Potential Space

and what the hell is ‘Social Theory’ anyway?

The concept of a Potential space is an important one and it has the potential (you see what I did there ;) to unlock for us a world of social possibilities. Potential space is bound in the ontological premiss of ‘Social Theory’. And what the hell is Social Theory I hear you ask?

Well, simply put, it’s a way of looking at how people interact with each other in society. It involves studying different factors such as culture, politics, economics, and how they affect people's relationships and experiences. It includes many different subjects like sociology, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy and helps us understand how our society works, how we behave as individuals and groups and how we can hopefully improve our society. No small task, but one that can unfold when we pay attention to how we think.

Okay, so what is Potential Space then? Potential Space is a concept inside Social Theory that refers to a space where people can explore and experiment without feeling the need to identify what belongs to them and what belongs to others. It is a space where individuals can uncover possibilities that were previously hidden from their thinking. When people enter this Potential Space, they can experience a different type of connection than when they are in a more conventional social situation.

Donald Winnicott a renowned paediatrician and psychoanalyst, 7 April 1896 – 25 January 1971, refers to Potential Space in the context of human development and we could view this as the space between the experiencer and the experience. I think he deserves more recognition for his remarkably simple, but profound approach. He proposes that Potential Space is present from the very beginning of our lives, the moment a child can crawl, or walk and move between the world of possibilities and the security of their care giver, in other words; safety, play, discovery. Central to his idea was that the relationships between people from a young age are the keys to happiness for all people. Play and discovery become our primary way of understanding the world as children, we discover something about ourselves over and over, but somehow we forget how to access this way of being as adults.

How do we  return to this way of being? We begin with creative living, first manifested as play. It is in this space that people can try to approach each other in a more relational way, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and those they connect with.

Here are my top 8 simple examples of how we can access Potential Space in our lives:

  1. Engage in group creative activities: Explore art, music, writing, or any form of creative expression inside a group and to tap into your potential space and allow yourself the opportunity to feel the space between the experiencer and the experience. Through repetition, you’ll uncover innovative ways to express yourself and leave your preconceptions at the door.

  2. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection: Set aside time (each day if possible) to quiet your mind, reflect on your experiences, and connect with your inner you. This can help you access the potential space within you and see the infinite possibilities in others.

  3. Cultivate meaningful relationships: Surround yourself with supportive and positive individuals who encourage your personal growth and provide a nurturing environment for exploring your potential.

  4. Embrace curiosity and embrace learning: Stay open-minded and continuously seek new knowledge and experiences. Embracing curiosity allows you to expand your potential space by exploring new ideas and perspectives and bring this understanding to your interactions with others.

  5. Step outside your comfort zone: Challenge yourself to try new things and take risks. Stepping outside your comfort zone expands your potential space by pushing your boundaries and discovering hidden capabilities. This is especially true for people new to group work, once you cross that threshold you will discover a world of supportive people.

  6. Seek support from a therapist or coach: Engaging in therapy or coaching can provide a safe and supportive space for exploring your potential space, uncovering barriers, and developing strategies for personal growth.

  7. Embrace uncertainty and embrace change: Be open to the unknown and embrace change as an opportunity for growth. Embracing uncertainty allows you to access your potential space by embracing new possibilities and adapting to new circumstances, a proven way to  help build relationships between people.

  8. Practice gratitude and positivity: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity, focusing on the present moment and appreciating the opportunities and potential that exist in your life. Gratitude opens up your potential space by shifting your perspective and fostering a sense of abundance and possibility. With gratitude in your heart, you will see the best in others and allow your interactions to manifest positively.

If we look through the lens of Potential Space, all these examples offer a safe and creative environment where individuals can explore new possibilities without worrying about societal norms, or expectations. Potential Space becomes a space where people can experiment, take risks, and grow, leading to a greater sense of personal fulfilment and hopefully, our collective well-being.

This is the great benefit of Potential Space thinking, experiencing, or creating ways of being that allow us to explore and uncover possibilities that were previously hidden from us. It is where creativity happens. It is in this type of space, where we are no longer limited by our physical bodies and emotions, but we start to access a ‘primordial’ world of infinite differences and a potential that exists beyond our limited understanding. I think this shows that our understanding of the world doesn’t have to be limited to what we can see or touch, but it can include the infinite possibilities that could exist between people.

If we try approaching social situations with an ontology of potentiality and acknowledge the importance of potential spaces, we can hopefully connect with others in a more relational and non-finite manner and discover possibilities that were previously hidden from our thinking. Try pausing here and digest that, you may need a cup of tea and a meditate, I did.

To me, the ideas of a Potential Space and Social Theory are beautifully intertwined, they help us discover new possibilities that we may not have seen before as individuals and they also give us a chance to improve how we interact with others as a society. By using this thinking, I believe we can transform our outlook of the world and gain a deeper understanding of our collective identity. No small task, but one we are currently engaged in through the important conversations around ‘The Voice To Parliament’ legislation. I hope we can take something from the concept of Potential Space as we engage with each other.

So I ask, are you looking to explore your Potential Space? The Creative C team offers group sessions in various formats that can help you unlock new possibilities, this is what we live for, reach out to learn more and give it a try!

Thanks for reading and best wishes on your journey,
~ Tania and The Creative C team


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